High Holiday services 2018/5779

General Information

  • We will be running services over the High Holiday period at the synagogue, Mordaunt Road, Southampton SO14 6FW.
  • All are welcome, including those who would not usually worship according to the styles customarily adopted by Southampton Hebrew Congregation (or actually even worship at all).
  • Attendance is of course free, although it is not forbidden to give a donation.
  • You do not need to reserve seats beforehand.

Yom Kippur (11 Tishrei 5779):
Services to be led by Rabbi Dov Katzel from Chabad (who has led High Holiday services in Southampton for many years now).
I hope we can have a big attendance to welcome back Rabbi Dov, who will be bringing a few religiously knowledgeable colleagues to encourage us in our worship.

Kol Nidre: Tuesday 18 September.  Fast starts 6.59pm.  Kol Nidre service 7.30pm (including sermon)
Yom Kippur Day services: Wednesday 19 September:
Usual set of services during the day, according to the Minhag Angli. Usual break in the middle. Dov’s charismatic interventions.
(Very) approximate timing: Shacharit 10 am; Torah reading: 11:30 am; 
Sermon: 12:00 pm; Yizkor: 12:15 pm;  Musaf: 1.30 pm; Break 2.30-5.00pm
Minchah 5.00pm, Neilah 7.00pm, Fast ends 7.58pm.

Refreshments:  courtesy of the rabbi, will be available after the fast ends.

Parking on Rosh Hashanah and  Yom Kippur:
You’re not supposed to come by car…. But if you do, thank you for coming! We don’t want to discourage you.
Parking restrictions on Liverpool Street (cross street from Mordaunt Road,  just by the synagogue)  should be suspended, so long as you park in a parking bay (i.e. not on yellow lines).  Alternative parking spots (11 minutes walk) but with fewer restrictions on Cemetery Road on the south end of Southampton Common.

Annual Sukkah Building and Family Party
Thursday, 27th September
5:30 – 8pm. In the shul.
Dinner in the Sukkah. Activities for children and for adults too etc.
Activities led by Rabbi Zalman Lewis (and family), Chabad South-Eastern Universities.
All welcome!


Rosh Hashanah (Thank you to all those who attended)
Services to be led by Martyn Rose and Barry Davis.
Sunday Sept 9: Evening service 7.30pm
Monday Sept 10: Morning service 10am



